
Welcome to the ETS-Championship-Vienna guide! This guide should give you some ideas and activities to do in Vienna during your stay, especially if you are staying a bit longer and not just for the tournament. It should also give you some useful information about how the Vienna culture works and what to expect. We hope we can answer some important questions.

As last year, there will be a guided tour. Informations will be announced soon!

Cash or Cashless

First, it´s important to know: Vienna is not a cashless city. it is always good to have some cash on you as sometimes you might not be able to pay with card.


Vienna offers a variety of Supermarket chains. There are Billa, Billa Plus (which is just a bigger Billa), Spar and Hofer. These are the supermarkets Viennese most regularly use and they are all pretty like each other. If you visited one the others offer pretty much the same.

A very Important note is that we have very strict protective laws for our workers. Therefore, Supermarkets are closed on Sundays. On Saturday they are open until 6pm and during the week until 7:30pm or 8pm. There are of course some exceptions. Supermarkets near main train stations are open on Sunday and some bakeries too. For example, the Billas inside of “Praterstern” and “Franz-Josef-Bahnhof” are open on Sunday but visit at your own risk because there are a lot of people and it gets really hard to move around. 

Public Restrooms

There are a few public Restrooms in and around Vienna. Most of the time they are not free to use. They cost around 50 cent and because Vienna is a city which still relays on cash you should better have a coin ready. But do not worry these 50 cents are sometimes not entirely wasted as you get a coupon for the same amount in return. Though I have in my entire live never seen someone use them, so if you do, congratulations you probably are the first one!